Fraudulent use of a credit card, also known as “FUCC” refers to using a debit or credit card without the car owner’s knowledge and permission. This charge can also be brought against someone who uses a card issued in their own name, when they know the card has been cancelled and is no longer active.
We often see these cases where a child is accused of stealing their older relative’s credit card. In some cases the older relative may have approved it initially, and then later changed their mind. In such a case, our criminal attorneys will argue our client’s did not use it fraudulently. Similar circumstances often arise in dating relationships where one person has permission to use the other’s card, but this permission is later revoked when the relationship sours. If this applies to your situation, we can help you fight the charges.
We also see fraudulent use of a credit card charges in association with identity theft allegations in which the defendant is accused of stealing the name and credit card information of numerous individuals and using this information to fraudulently make purchases on these credit cards.
Fraudulent use of a credit card is punishable by a prison sentence of up to 10 years as a Class C felony, but is also subject to the recent Alabama sentencing reforms, which took place in 2013. Our FUCC attorneys can review your case and your criminal history and tell you what type of sentence you would face if convicted. Better yet, we can develop a strategy to win the case, or have you approved for pre-trial diversion to prevent a felony record.
Have you been charged by the Dothan police department with illegal possession of a credit card or debit card, or with the fraudulent use of a credit or debit card? If so, the Dothan criminal attorneys with Boles Holmes White can help. Email or call us at 334-366-6086 for a consultation today.
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