If you’ve been charged with manslaughter in Alabama, you are being accused of causing someone’s death. While the punishment is not as harsh as the punishment for Murder, a conviction will still change your life dramatically for the worse. If you or a loved one has been charged with manslaughter in Dothan or the Wiregrass area, you should consult with an attorney with experience handling manslaughter cases.
There are very important differences between manslaughter and murder. A charge of murder indicates the State believes the death was caused intentionally, where a charge of manslaughter indicates the State believes the death was caused in a reckless fashion and not intentionally.
The charge of manslaughter is often used as a defense to a murder case, and is considered a “lesser included” offense of murder. To do this, the defense attorney may admit that his client caused the death, but did so accidentally, and not intentionally or maliciously.
Also, in some circumstances, intentional killings can be reduced to manslaughter. For instance, in some murder cases, the defense is that the client should not be convicted of murder, but rather manslaughter because the killing was due to the defendant’s acting under the “heat of passion”. One example of the use of the heat of passion defense would be when one spouse catches the other spouse in bed with another person and kills one of them. The killing was intentional, and not accidental but was done only under the heat of passion, giving the jury the option of convicting of the lesser charge of manslaughter.
If convicted of manslaughter, you face punishment of up to 20 years in prison as a Class B felony. Call us today to defend you in your manslaughter case. We have experience handling murder and manslaughter cases, and have achieved success in many of them. Email us or call the manslaughter attorneys at Boles Holmes White at 334-366-6086.
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