Workplace Accidents

On-the-Job Injuries and Compensation

Accidents in the workplace are all-too-common in today’s industrial world. In addition to the lost wages from time spent recovering from these injuries, workers are also faced with large medical bills and are sometimes rendered unable to adequately perform their jobs after the injury. Unfortunately, many employers are reluctant and even unwilling to provide compensation for their injured employees, and try to prevent having to pay any workers compensation claims. If you have been hurt on the job, the law says you are entitled to compensation. The workplace injury lawyers of Boles Holmes White can help you recover lost wages and medical expenses, and we will fight to make you whole.

Workers are injured in a variety of ways on the job. Some injuries are the result of entirely innocent mistakes, and workers compensation kick in to alleviate the financial burden of these injuries. Other times, the employer may have subjected the worker to unreasonably dangerous working conditions, in which case the worker may be able to file suit directly against the employer. Workplace accidents commonly result from the negligence of third parties other than the employer or the employee. In these situations, it is possible for a worker to file suit against the responsible party, even while receiving workers compensation payments.

The attorneys of Boles Holmes White know exactly what to look for in preparing a case for trial, and we can help guide you through the process. No one should be forced to bear the financial burden of a workplace accident alone. We can help you prepare your claim, gather evidence, interview witnesses, and negotiate with your employer or their insurer. We know how difficult these situations can be, and we want to make sure you are not retaliated against for pursuing your claim. Call us today at 334-366-6086, or email us for a consultation, and let us fight for you.


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