If you are facing a new driving while under the influence (DUI) charge and have a prior drunk driving conviction, you are facing serious criminal and civil penalties, especially if you are convicted for DUI a second or third time.
Know what your risks and legal options are by discussing your situation with an attorney who is experienced in defending DUI cases throughout Alabama. Contact the DUI focused law offices of Boles Holmes White for a consultation with an experienced and accomplished 2nd and 3rd Drunk Driving Arrest Lawyer. Call us at 334-366-6086 to schedule an appointment with one of our DUI defense attorneys today.
In many cases, the basic driver’s license suspension for a first DUI conviction is 90 days, but a second offense normally draws a 180-day suspension, depending on the amount of blood alcohol in your system. A third offense will pull you off the road for a full year. There may be jail time involved for repeat DUI convictions as well—five days on a second offense, and a stiff 60 days mandatory for a third within a 5-year period. However, it is important to consult an attorney because these penalties and how often or how strictly they’re applied can vary a good deal from one state and county to another. It’s essential to work with an attorney who knows the local practices in the area where you’ve been arrested.
Even though a repeat DUI charge presents higher criminal penalties, the basic strategies for repeat DUI defense are essentially the same as they are for a first-time drunk driving arrest. We analyze the circumstances of your traffic stop, the toxicology reports and the field sobriety test to identify any weaknesses in the government’s case against you. We then take full advantage of your right to two hearings — one before a judge, and the other before a jury. We can often use the record developed in the first hearing to strengthen your defense at the second.
An essential feature of the defense practice at Boles Holmes White is our ability to coordinate your strategy across both criminal trials and your license suspension hearing, all for a single flat fee. Call for a consultation.
As well as defending people charged with repeat DUI misdemeanors, we also handle the defense for those facing DUI felonies and other charges related to DUI arrests. Contact us today to discuss the specifics of your case and your options for the best defense possible.
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