Reinstatement of Maiden Name

Reinstating your Maiden Name in Dothan

In many instances, particularly where no children were born of the marriage, the wife prefers to reclaim her maiden name when the divorce is complete.  In order to do so, she must make such a request of the domestic relations court during the process of divorce, and such can be made part of the final divorce decree.  If she wants to change her name, but not to her maiden name, she can request the judge change her name to the name she used in a prior marriage.

The other alternative is to not change her name at all, and keep the married name.  If this is her choice, it is not entirely up to her.  The spouse can object to this in the divorce proceeding, and if there is a valid reason for the objection, the judge can reject the wife’s request to keep the married name.  Any objection would likely be denied if there are any minor children involved in the divorce.

The Dothan divorce lawyers with Boles Holmes White will advise you every step of the divorce process.  If you are interested in changing back to your maiden name, or if you are considering blocking your soon to be ex from using your surname, contact us today at 334-366-6086.


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