7 New Police Officers In Dothan

7 New Police Officers In Dothan

The understaffed Dothan Police Department has sworn in 7 new officers. With the addition of these new officers, the Department headcount is now 159 officers, just 6 officers shy of a full staff. Two of these new recruits will be on the streets within the next few weeks, but the remaining five will spend three months in the police academy in Selma before they will be out on patrol.

Dothan Police Chief Greg Benton says that when the new recruits are out of the police academy, residents of Dothan will definitely notice. “It’s actually going to be more people in patrol. You’ll see more officers in the street which in turn will reduce crime just by visibility. It will also give us a little more lead way to do the things we need to do as far as proactive policing goes,” he says.

With additional officers patrolling the streets, the possibility of being ticketed for speeding or getting arrested for DUI are higher. And no matter what the charges, there is a chance that you may be stopped for unjustified reasons. It is important to seek the counsel of an experienced and aggressive Dothan criminal defense attorney if you are facing charges of any kind. There is always the possibility that a law enforcement official made a mistake, or they may have violated your rights. This may be reason enough to have your case dismissed and your charges dropped.

To read the original article, click here.
