“I’m not getting my child support and it’s been 3 months…” This is the type of statement many attorneys hear often. If you find yourself in this type situation then you are left few choices:
The first is to not do anything. This is not recommended because it will not benefit you or the minor children in any way.
Secondly, you can pursue a civil contempt charge against the person who is supposed to be paying you child support. In a civil contempt hearing if the person is found guilty, i.e. in contempt of court for not following the court’s orders and paying in a timely manner the Judge may impose jail time and or add an amount to the monthly amount to cover the arrearage.
Third you may choose to have the person arrested and charged with criminal non-support. In this case the non-paying party may be found guilty of an actual crime not merely be in contempt of court. Once again the Judge may impose jail time or other means to have that person become current in their child support obligation.