Rena Hill Parsons has been arrested and charged with felony first-degree theft of property according to Dothan Police lieutenant Will Benny. Parsons, who was out on bail for chemical endangerment of a child, is now facing criminal charges that she stole over $10,000 worth of silver dinnerware from her parents. She was arrested on November 22nd and taken to the Houston County Jail where she was held on $50,000 bail.
Police investigators arrested Parsons on November 21st after her infant child tested positive for benzodiazepine and amphetamines at child birth. Assistant District Attorney Patrick Amason accused Parsons of taking specific medications that she was ordered not to take by medical staff and also claimed that Parson was “dangerous to herself and others because of a serious drug problem”.
Rena Parsons, 24, faces up to 20 years in prison if she is convicted of the class B felony of first-degree theft of property. She would face up to 10 years in prison if she is found guilty of chemical endangerment of a child, which is a class C felony drug crime.
Records show that District Judge Benjamin Lewis ordered Parsons not to leave the state of Alabama or Houston County without the court’s permission. She is currently being electronically monitored at her own expense.